Diamond Ranch Academy

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Diamond Ranch Academy Girls Day Out

BiRtHdAy BeNeFiT!!

Can you say SPA DAY?!?  For the girls celebrating birthdays in January and February it was a day of indulgence.  They went to Evan's Hairstyling Academy for moisturizing facials and manicures.

You can tell they are excited.  Many of them have never had an experience like this before...but now they may be hooked. (Sorry parents).  If we have many more benefits like this one we may exhaust Evan's supply of neon pink, electric blue, lime green, and perfectly purple nail polish.  Better stock up, Evan's staff.

After all the pampering, primping and polishing the girls headed over to buffet restaurant, Golden Corral.  When presented with an opportunity to have ALL YOU CAN EAT lunch and dessert, you can bet these girls will pack it away!!


  1. Dear DRA;
    Your blog site has enabled our family to feel more connected with Jessica while she is at Diamond Ranch. It is a great idea !!!!! Thanks so much!!!!

  2. Dear DRA,
    Thank you for the wonderful video. The girls must have had a great time, you can see it in their faces. Love, love, love seeing Caroline's smile. Keep the camera's rolling!

  3. Always enjoy opening your blog!!! It's a welcomed sight seeing the students happy and smiling!!!!!Lots of Love to Jessica..... Grandma
