Diamond Ranch Academy

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

life of a mentor

"Being a mentor in general is amazing, but being able to go out and mentor the girls in O&A is a great experience in itself. Being able to go out and spend a week with the girls was a life changing experience for me. Iwas able to spend quality time with each girl; getting to know them, sharing laughs, talking with them, and just letting them know that they can do it, and they should make the most of their time here because in the end it is worth it. I feel great being able to say that I made a small difference in these girls' lives and put a smile on their faces. Mentoring is an experience that i will never forget, and will continue to to in the future."

1 comment:

  1. Jessica, my daughter is one of those whom you mentored this week. Thanks for being there for her.

