Diamond Ranch Academy

Saturday, February 19, 2011


makaila and taylor will be graduating soon, so we had a graduate photo shoot yesterday for their graduation programs.

 we found a huge rock by the dorms, makaila wanted to sit in it...


and then she had a rough time getting out of it!

pensive taylor 

goofy taylor 

we found a winner!

and then we found the sheep... 

and taylor sent them on their way 


  1. Wow, what a journey this has been- to think the two of you have been, alomst to the day, tracking sideby side- I am so proud of what you have done, been through and so hopefull of the future. Congrats to the grads.....

  2. Really Great photos- from the "hams" to the lambs.... (I just couldn't help myself Makaila)
    photo album stuff for sure.

  3. Way to go Makaila! We met you at the Parent 101 session in November and your story gave us a lot of hope as our daughter had just started her journey at the ranch. Good luck to you in the future!
