Diamond Ranch Academy

Monday, May 16, 2011

mentors in O&A

last week, laura and dannielle got graduate and went out to mentor the new girls. they had a great time and learned a lot about the girls and themselves.

"laura and dannielle were great mentors, they helped me throug a lot. laura made me smile everyday and dannielle helped me get through a bad day. they did a group about getting inside and that really helped. they made O&A fun. i'm glad to say that laura and dannielle were my mentors!"-heather 

"being a mentor is seriously one of the best opportunities that can be presented to a student at DRA. it gives you a chance to be a positive role model for those who need it the most. i've gotten to know each and every one of the girls here at Diamond Ranch Academy and i wouldn't trade any of them for the world. there is a lot of responsibility that comes with being a mentor, but i strongly believe that we are uplifting the girls and helping them discover who they truly are. that is what counts. we are instilling something in them that probably wasn't there before; hope."-dannielle 

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